Many secular persons deny the presence of the God. I am attempting here to convince them that there is a God who has created the universe.
Many secular people will argue that the God is unseen haji plus and that they consider handiest in what they see. The God is unseen but we are able to see the evidences of His presence. The earth,Guest Posting the sky, the celebs, the moon, the solar, the ocean and the concord of the universe are all evidences that there may be a God who has created the universe.
The harmony and the greatness of the universe are evidences of the Wisdom and Greatness of the Creator. Let`s expect that there is no writer, then what’s the purpose of the harmony and greatness of the universe? Did the solar, the moon, the land, the ocean. The stars ….And many others have a meeting and determined what to do? They are too many and each person might want the universe as he wants. We are certain that the sun, the moon ….Etc are not clever. Then we are able to say that the harmony and greatness of the universe are clear evidences that there is a Wise and Great Creator.
In Islam, we trust within the One and the Only God. In the dayafter, the believers will input the Heaven even as the non-believers may be punished. In Islam, we believe that the God has no sons. We aren’t like christians who trust that the God has a son. This perception is completely unfaithful and illogical. If the God decided some thing and His son decided some other contradicting thing, what is going to appear?
I ask the readers of this text to think deeply approximately the presence of the God. If you got here to a end that there’s a God who has created the universe, please ask the God from your hearts to guide you to the proper faith. I am positive that the God will guide you to Islam. I invite the readers to examine the Holy Quran to understand more about Islam.